H&M Stuff Pack Updated!

Hey guys!
I saw that a lot of you had trouble to download the H&M Stuff Pack so i uploaded them new to MEGA 🙂 I hope you can download it now:D I also added Conscious Collection of 2013 too 🙂 Enjoy!

Donations are always welcome!:)

17 Gedanken zu “H&M Stuff Pack Updated!

  1. I am in awe of your work and I just wanted to say thank you so very much for sharing your beautiful creations. You are so talented!


  2. Hallo!! Ich würde das H&M Pack ja liebend gern haben……….aber dieses Mega lässt mich garnicht……….auch wenn der Download schon bei 100% geht nix…………

    Muss man dort denn einen Account haben, um downloaden zu können??


  3. Thank you so much for sharing this. For those having trouble with Mega – it might be browser related. I was trying in Chrome and it wasn't working so I tried in IE and it worked first try.


  4. Well, it says that the account has gone against some of their Terms of Service, sooo… I guess MEGA just isn't going to work for Prada Sims' downloads anymore. Too bad /:


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